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Skin Tags

Skin Tags

Skin tags are a common skin problem. While they are harmless and not cause for any health concerns, many people have them removed to improve their appearance and feel better about themselves.

At Florida’s Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center in Windermere, our team led by Dr. Jeannette Hudgens can properly diagnose skin tags and remove them during procedures performed right here in our Orlando-area office. To learn more about treatment, or to make an appointment, contact Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center today.

What Is a Skin Tag?

Skin tags are soft growths that appear as extra skin. They typically hang from the skin’s surface on a small piece of tissue known as a stalk. It’s important to remember that skin tags are not cancerous, and they can’t become cancerous.

Skin tags usually appear as we get older, often being found in people who are age 60 or older. Skin tags can also run in families and may emerge after pregnancy.

Where Do Skin Tags Appear?

Most people develop skin tags in or around the:

Skin tags can be a nuisance if they rub against clothes or jewelry, and most people find them unsightly.


Skin tags may appear initially as a small bump on your skin. They can grow over time into flesh-colored pieces of skin that attach to your skin’s surface. For the most part, skin tags are painless. But if they twist on their stalks, blood clots can form and they may start to hurt.


Doctor Hudgens is trained to spot and diagnose skin tags on sight. Typical skin tags are:

No tests are needed to diagnose skin tags. If a skin growth is extra firm and can’t be moved easily, differs in color from surrounding skin or has multiple colors, you may have something other than a skin tag that requires further examination and tests.

If your skin growth is not a skin tag, we may recommend you undergo a biopsy to help us better diagnose your skin condition.

Do Skin Tags Go Away On Their Own?

No. Skin tags are permanent and will remain on your skin unless you have them removed. Some people can have several skin tags.


Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to prevent skin tags from forming. But you can have them removed.


Doctor Hudgens may use medical scissors or another tool to remove your skin tags. Some patients may require their tags to be frozen off.

Each patient is different. At Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, our medical team will review your skin tag treatment with you and develop a safe and effective plan to have it removed.

While skin tags are harmless, it’s important to keep an eye on them. If your skin tag changes in color or suddenly starts to hurt, it’s time to see a doctor.


The good news is people with skin tags can have them removed safely and easily.

If you would like to have your unsightly skin tag removed, contact Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center today to schedule an appointment.

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