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Schedule Your Skin Cancer Screening Before Summer


Skin cancer screenings are vital to the ongoing health and maintenance of your skin. But it’s not just important that you undergo a skin cancer screening – the time of year you undergo it is just as vital. Scheduling a skin cancer screening before the summer can stop precancerous growths from getting out of hand, and be the reminder you need to prevent the onset of future ones.

Located in Windermere FL, Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center is committed to providing patients with quality preventative and diagnostic skin care. Contact us today to schedule your skin cancer screening.

What is a Skin Cancer Screening?

Skin cancer screenings are full body visual examinations typically performed by dermatologists. These usually last less than 30 minutes, and are the most important step in detecting skin cancer in its early stages. While everyone should undergo yearly skin cancer screenings, it’s especially important for individuals that have an increased risk of skin cancer. This includes people with a history of severe sunburns, family skin cancer, or those that have blonde or red hair.

Why Undergo Skin Cancer Screenings?

Twenty percent of Americans have skin cancer. These screenings are vital because even if skin cancer is detected, it can be treated quickly and thoroughly in its early stages. If skin cancer is allowed to progress, it can spread to different parts of the body and become difficult to treat.

The Sun and Skin Cancer

While the sun’s rays both invigorate and relax us, extended exposure can spell the downfall of our skin’s health. In addition to increasing the chance of wrinkles and fine lines, prolonged time in the sun exposes the skin to harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. This UV light can change the structure of our skin and dramatically increase your chances of contracting skin cancer.

The Importance of Pre-Summer Screenings

Since people are more often exposed to the sun during the summer months, the beginning stages of cancer are more likely to progress quickly or begin to develop during this time. To help enter this period of increased risk prepared, it’s important that you have your skin examined ahead of time. This way, if you do have precancerous growths, you can take extra precautions to shield them from the sun.

At Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, we believe that education is the best way to prevent skin cancer. While it’s especially important that you receive a skin cancer screening right before the summer begins, these screenings can be beneficial year round. Contact us to schedule yours today!

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