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The Importance of Late Summer Skin Cancer Screenings

the importance of summer skin cancer screenings

While it’s important to undergo routine skin cancer screenings year round, these screenings become even more vital in the late summer months. Over 90 percent of all skin cancer cases are caused by excessive sunlight exposure. In a place that receives at much sunlight as Florida, Windermere residents need to be particularly vigilant about making sure their skin is cancer free after a summer of extra sun exposure.

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, with between 700,000 and one million new cases diagnosed in the United States every year. Half of all Americans will develop at least one instance of skin cancer by the time they’re 65. With such a high rate of contraction, it’s vital that adults take extra precautions to keep their skin and the skin of their children well protected.

During a full-body skin cancer screening at Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, Dr. Jeannette Hudgens and Jennifer Brinckerhoff, P.A.-C perform thorough examinations of nearly every area of the patient’s body. This includes areas that people often do not associate with skin cancer including between the toes, behind the ears, on the buttocks, and near the groin.

Each of these examinations takes between 15 to 20 minutes to complete, so patients can quickly stop by for an examination and get back to their daily routine. This short appointment can be the difference between undergoing a quick, painless procedure to get rid of the early signs of skin cancer and needing extensive, expensive surgery to excise it in its later stages.

If you live in the sunny state of Florida, don’t let skin cancer sneak up on you. While it is the most common of all cancers, it is also the most preventable. Attending regular skin cancer screenings, especially after the hot summer months, is a significant first step towards securing your present and future skin health. Taking additional precautions, like avoiding sunlight during particularly harsh times of the day and always wearing an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen can dramatically decrease your chances of developing skin cancer.

Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center is proud to provide patients in the Windermere, Bay Hill, Gotha, and Dr. Phillips Areas with a variety of skin cancer prevention and treatment techniques. If you’d like to have a professional dermatologist examine your skin, don’t hesitate — contact Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center today and schedule a skin cancer screening appointment. This simple measure could be enough to prevent skin cancer from progressing to its later stages in you or your child.

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