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Blu-Light Treatments

Blu-Light TreatmentAt Florida’s Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center in Windermere, we work hard to stay current on the latest medical research and new treatments that can help us better serve our Orlando-area patients.

One of the new treatments we have found beneficial to many of our patients is Blu-Light treatment, also known as photodynamic therapy.

These treatments are designed to help patients with pre-cancerous growths, which are often the result of long-term sun exposure over the years.

This new technology helps Dr. Jeannette Hudgens and our medical team treat patients with skin problems early, and well before they may potentially develop into skin cancer.

To learn more about Blu-Light treatments, or to schedule an appointment, contact Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center today.

What Is Blu-Light Therapy

This new therapy has been called one of the most exciting developments in dermatology over the past decade. This treatment focuses on pre-cancerous growths and relies on three key factors:

Blu-Light can be used to treat pre-cancerous growths and actinic damage on your face and scalp.

Typically, a solution known as levulinic acid is applied to the treatment area and remains there for about an hour. Next, a blue light is employed to activate the medically applied solution. This solution in combination with the light treatment attacks any precancerous cells and prevents them from growing into skin cancer.

Patients can expect to feel a bit sunburned in the days after treatment, but this is temporary and will fade.

The benefits of Blu-Light treatment are both medical and aesthetic.

Pre-cancerous growths are treated, and this reduces your risk of developing skin cancer. Also, your face should feel and look rejuvenated, smoother and less photodamaged.

What Can I Expect during Treatment?

Treated skin will be cleansed prior to the application of the medical solution. This cleansing prepares your skin to better absorb the medication. A clear solution is then applied to the treatment area. About an hour is needed for skin to properly absorb medication. The light treatment itself typically lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. Patients may feel a burning sensation during the procedure, but cooling techniques are available.

After your treatment, it’s important to keep your skin protected for 48 hours. Staying out of the sun is advised.

At Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, we will meet with you prior to your procedure to review any questions or concerns you may have. We also will provide detailed post-treatment instructions for you to follow.

Side Effects

After treatment, some patients can expect to have skin redness, minor irritation and possibly peeling. Most patients compare it to having a sunburn. These side effects typically fade within a week. If they do not, patients should contact us immediately.

Most post-treatment complications occur when patients fail to follow instructions and go out in the sun with their skin unprotected.

If you are concerned about growths on your skin that appear to be pre-cancerous, and if you want to take a proactive approach to skin health and decrease your risk of skin cancer, Blu-Light treatments may be for you.

Contact Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center today to schedule your Blu-Light consultation.

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